Thursday, August 5, 2010

EOC Week 4 "Big"

In the film “Big” starring Tom Hanks, the CEO of the company was doing market research in the FAO Schwartz toy store. Tom Hanks was a 13 year old boy who all of a sudden became a 30 year old man working at the MacMillan Toy Company. He originally applied to simply just get a job. Even while in the lobby filling out his application he was doing research on the guy sitting next to him in order to fill out the application the correct way. On the weekend he went to the FAO Schwartz to play around with all of the new toys with other children, when his boss runs into him. He then walked around with him around the store asking his perspective on the toys and he did then understand why some of the toys were not selling all too well. By his personal testimony on why the toys are successful and had questions on why certain things were altered, it landed him the better job. After his promotion he then had the best job in the world of just playing with toys all day and either asking why they even created or telling them how cool they were. Without him being a recent teenager I don’t think he would have been as successful at his job as he was then. Some adults feel as if they have never grown up, but you have to be in a serious mindset of the child to go into the deeper market research of the toy in order for it to be successful. Without the serious market research and all of the personal testimonies of real children the toy won’t be as successful. A good example of this is when the CEO asked him what he thought of the hockey game, and he said it was a good game just not as good as the original, and told him exactly why it wasn’t. Maybe even playing with the toys themselves will help them get a better idea on how to make it even more successful.

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